Episode 56: Back On My Bullshit!☀️
But, what can I say, it’s good to be BACK… And badder than ever! No, I’m just kidding, I’m wearing linen from head to toe, and I smell like orange blossoms, and my giant fluffy Labradoodle (that literally looks like an actual member of The Muppets at the moment) is lying on my feet. I am, in fact, about as far from “badder than ever” than I have ever been in my life… And yet? Maybe I’m closer than I’ve ever been...
Excerpt: “…resting in my pleasure, traveling across the US while working constantly, still somehow managing to keep on top of my tantric practices, and maintaining a healthy fulfilling relationship, you know like remembering birthdays and sending presents and ohh TRAVELING ACROSS THE FREAKING COUNTRY TO BE WITH THEM FOR A COUPLE WEEKS RIGHT AFTER GETTING COVID. And really my definition of Baddddd has drastically changed. I’m killin’ it when I’m adaptable when I’m resilient and grounded, sober and conscious, open to refinement, taking responsibility for my actions, and owning my life. Knowing what’s mine and what’s someone else’s stuff. And really my professional life has just blown TF up. Unlike this radio show. Which is actually fine because this isn’t how I make money, I actually lose money monthly making this show. Go figure, being an artist isn’t monetarily rewarding? Ohhh who knew???
But really, Like I am finally stepping into my own with my work, finding my solid ground, so that I can hold steady the world for my clients to come to me for support, for joy, for understanding and compassion.
So since that’s all boring, and by boring, I really mean totally fascinating amazing, and completely confidential hahaha
Anyways, back to the last month.
I’ll set up the picture for you. A little framework if you will. Because what story doesn’t benefit from a little framework, I mean Kurt Vonnegut would disagree but I’ll give him that one.
So I was preparing to leave for South Dakota, eagerly awaiting being reunited with my love, and right on cue, 4 days before I was supposed to leave I got covid. And let me tell you, it was not pretty, there was a lot of snot. I mean like whatever you just pictured as a lot of snot. Tripple that. So I was in bed solidly for the next 2 weeks. And In my fevered haze, I sat on hold with Expedia, listening to the infuriating bad flamenco hold music, which I guess was better than the hold music you normally get. And I changed ALL of my plane tickets. Which was a lot, from Bradly international airport to rapid city South Dakota to California and then back to Bradly…”